Small Things Lead to Big Change

Small Things Lead to Big Change


 One day a boy in a class took out a paper from his book, made a paper plane and threw it. He repeated the same process again. Every body in the class was enjoying this leisure. But they did not see what erroneous thing was going on there.
          If I pluck a hair from your body, think what will happen to you what pain it would give to you paper is made from trees. A whole tree is completely used to make large amounts of paper. We can easily understand what cost we have to pay if we waste even one paper. If all the residents of the loisiana (USA) stop sending worthless mail, about 100 million trees can be saved every year.
People organize programs to save trees to stop reckless cutting of trees. But do they know that in Tanzania's book are now considered a 5 case quantity. Large scale cutting of trees makes people lose their house holds and animals lose their habitats and so on. Who is responsible for all these of course we are. Let us stop these unfruitful ways of exhibiting joy immediately.
           People drink water from the taps and leave it open. An open tap near a road will ultimately wastes large quantity of water consequently after much time there will be shortage of water in the region. The residents will blame the government and will go on strikes, rampage property. People will have to leave homes, all their belongings and migrates to other areas. Do you know it all started with a tap?
          We all like to go out and enjoy with our own vehicles. A friend of my younger brother says that he daily spends Rs. 100 on petrol. For what? Just for enjoying. Stand on a busy road just for 5 minutes. What do you see? Every second we can see numerous vehicles passing by. Let us see the case now. Only about 40% of the petrol can be used. Rest goes waste. How much petrol is being used every where? Industries use petrol, farms also use petrol, was this the reason why thousand of people died in the Iraq war?
Millions were rendered homeless and millions lost their life savings. How it started? Just for enjoying in vain.
Small things always lead to big changes, and we can make difference. If we can stop these small wastage, We could be saving the lives of millions.    
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